Young people grow, heal and succeed through caring relationships and community spaces that support them to thrive.
At CCA, we connect with youth in their neighborhoods, schools and communities, or as they are navigating court or incarceration.
We believe in the power and potential of all young people. Many of the youth we work with have faced systemic barriers, including involvement in the carceral and foster care systems, that have excluded them from educational, after-school, and employment spaces. The harms of incarceration, criminalization and community disinvestment are devastating for the young people that experience them firsthand and are felt throughout the community.
CCA supports youth to create safe, healing spaces. Here, they can achieve educational and career success while increasing their involvement in the well-being of their communities.


Our Programs
Community Carpenters
Paid leadership and workforce training, including community gardening and hydroponics, for Central Brooklyn youth involved with the legal system.

CCA’s Seeds to Roots Youth Action Center
Paid training, restorative justice, arts and literacy, education access and community organizing programs for youth in Brownsville, Brooklyn.

Education and Career Training
Workforce readiness program to develop soft-skills and advance professional, educational and personal goals prior to certification and job placement.

Afterschool Programs for Youth in Detention Facilities
After school and educational programs for youth detained in New York City’s secure juvenile facilities and non-secure detention or placements.

Next Gen Re-Entry Network
Mentoring, job readiness, paid internships, therapeutic services and family engagement with grassroots organizations across NYC for youth who have been incarcerated.

Court Advocacy
Support for people in NYC involved in court, including testifying on behalf of participants, alternatives to incarceration and access to our holistic services.

Works Plus Employment Program
Work readiness mentoring program with career awareness services, educational opportunities, assistance with job searches and case management.

NeOn Works Employment Program
Work readiness program with career awareness services, educational opportunities, assistance with job searches and case management.

Youth Action Leadership Council
Leadership development program to support young people to create meaningful change in their communities.

Youth Violence Prevention & Peer Leadership
Workshops, dialogue circles and leadership opportunities to support youth to center safety, learn de-escalation skills and prevent violence.

Transition Advocates Syracuse
Support and coaching for students returning from or facing out-of-school suspensions and those returning from a residential facility or secure facility

CUSE Center
Peer recovery services, programs and support groups in Syracuse for youth, adults and formerly incarcerated people with a history of substance use.

Afterschool Alternatives
Afterschool program with homework help, arts and crafts, science activities and sports

Peer Navigators & Youth Advisory Board
Mentorship and support program pairing youth involved in court with adults who have lived experience in the juvenile legal or family court system.

Transition Advocates Rochester
Support and coaching for students returning from a residential facility or secure facility